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outside the bottle
Is Winemaking More About Chemistry Than Grapes? A Look at Modern Viticulture
Modern winemaking, as exemplified by the challenging 2024 Burgundy vintage, is increasingly relying on technical expertise and chemical understanding rather than just grape quality, though this shift helps winemakers adapt to extreme weather conditions while still producing exceptional wines.
Alti Wine Exchange Indexes: 2022 overview and outlook for 2023
If in 2021, the stock market and wine investment market showed a solid performance, the last year was completely different for stock investors. In 2022, inflation set in at higher levels than the financial markets…
Alti Wine Exchange Indexes: 2021 overview and trends for 2022
Wine investors had a great year in 2021. All indexes showed a robust growth in the last year with Californian and Argentinian indexes among two leaders. This trend continued in 2022 even despite the fall in the stock market
Spanish Cava Sparkling Wine: What You Need to Know!
Spanish Cava Sparkling Wine: What You Need to Know!
Spain has had a long tradition of producing excellent bubblies. It’s not as famous or prestigious as Champagne from France, and it’s a shame really because Cavas are not only fascinating to explore, but truly delicious and very well crafted…
What is a Port Wine?
DEAR READER, Let’s start February off with a simple question: Good morning, Mr. Ferdinand, What is a Port wine? -Jacques Thank you, Jacques, for your brevity. Let’s get down to business! Ports are an underrated, very particular type of wine made in the Douro Valley,...
What to Expect for Fine Wine Investments in 2022
Let’s face it, between an ongoing COVID pandemic, erratic markets, fires, floods and major humanitarian crises, 2021 was exhausting. And though none of us can be sure what to make of 2022, we can say with confidence that fine and rare wine investments are looking...
Holiday Gift Guide for Fine Wine
It’s that time of year again! And so begins the search for the perfect holiday gift. Something unique, something that shows you truly care. How about a gift that keeps on giving? An investment. Imagine their surprise when you tell them that their gift is resting...
The Truth about Fine Wine
Fine wine. What does that really mean? The truth is, as words, they don’t mean much. There is no official classification system for the title “fine wine.” It’s not like the regulated usage of “Premier Cru” or “Grand Cru Classé,” for example, rather anyone can throw it...
Liquid Harmony
Harmony. Think Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Think Picasso's The Old Guitarist. It’s that moment when various elements come together to create magic. And magic really is the word, no? Wine can also sip in harmony, and I can think of no better example than the...
Founder’s view | Financial insights outside the bottle
Is Winemaking More About Chemistry Than Grapes? A Look at Modern Viticulture
Modern winemaking, as exemplified by the challenging 2024 Burgundy vintage, is increasingly relying on technical expertise and chemical understanding rather than just grape quality, though this shift helps winemakers adapt to extreme weather conditions while still producing exceptional wines.
They have created the perfect storm for controlled demolition of money
I’m glad to be back talking financial insights, one glass of wine at a time. First they shut down the economy, to save lives. With the closure of the economy, production ceased. To compensate for non-production or reduced production, people were paid not to lose...
We buy wine with the intention of making money over periods of time.
We buy wine with the intention of making money over periods of time. Rethinking retirement is a famous book of John Piper with the goal to challenge people to have a far greater purpose in life. Rethinking retirement is also an absolute must for Pension funds, because...
It’s never too late to look back and learn from the past
Amid bumps and threats across life and finance, relations are the most valuable assets one has. There is always time to look back and make things better
Summer is coming – and things really do not look promising
Building a sound strategy for your resources in the face of inflation and worsening living standards has become more crucial than ever
Building wealth wisely, change is both need and opportunity
Away from falsely reassuring economic news, seeking alternative financial strategies is inevitable in the face of low interest rates and looming inflation
A Mailbag Column from an Eccentric Sommelier
DEAR READER, As I grow immensely in popularity, I’ve noticed more of you interested in my personal life. I didn’t begin e-blogging with this in mind, but I don’t mind indulging every now and then. I imagine my intellect intimidates a lot of you, so maybe shedding some...
Maipo Valley Reds
DEAR READER, I am again-and-again charmed by my readers’ curiosity! It reminds me of being a young sommelier, ready to take on the world one glass at a time. I know far too much to feel that way again—but at least I can experience a shred of it through you all! Dear...
Where Does the Phrase “Aging Like Fine Wine” Originate?
DEAR READER, I received this charming question from an inquisitive reader last week. Dear Sommelier Ferdinand, Where does the phrase “aging like fine wine” originate? It’s so fun! -Imani I just love your question! What a lively spirit you have, Imani! I’m more of a...
DEAR READER, Let’s get down to it! Dear Sommelier Ferdinand, I respect your point of view, but I must ask: don’t you think worshipping wines is partaking too mightily in the past? Wouldn’t you rather create your own memories than indulge in nostalgia? -Ethan Ethan,...
DEAR READER, Sometimes you all make me so proud with your questions. Yes! —even I, the one and only Sommelier Ferdinand, can learn from you keyboard clackers. Here is such a question I received over the last week: Dear Sommelier Ferdinand, I live in Los Angeles, and...
Sommelier Ferdinand on Wine Schedules…
Let’s jump straight to the grape, shall we? I found this letter particularly interesting: Dear Sommelier Ferdinand, "I think what you’re doing is good, explaining wine and wine drinking to newbies like me. I found this on the internet last week and was wondering if...
Wine Reviews
Harry Potter and the Magical Creation of Seña 2007
On July 21, 2007, J.K. Rowling released her seventh and final book of a most memorable series. In just 24 hours, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sold more than 11 million copies! On that same day, in a land more fascinating than Hogwarts, Seña 2007 was getting...
A trip to Italy and its wines: a video series by Julien Miquel
Our Chief Wine Officer makes a deep overview of the best in the biggest wine producing country — and home to some of the best wines in the world
Tasting Moscatel Kingsman 1919: a unique century-old gem
Strong, fresh, silky and with raisin-like aromas and coffee-dominant palate, this fine Portuguese muscat exhibits many pleasant facets
Understanding Champagne: a fine wine series by Julien Miquel
Our Chief Wine Officer makes a quick but deep overview of the unmissable traits of the French region that makes the finest sparkling wines in the world
The finest from Burgundy: a wine series by Julien Miquel
The Alti Wine Exchange Chief Wine Officer makes a quick but deep overview of the unmissable investment-grade fine and rare wines from Burgundy
The finest and rarest Bordeaux wines: a series by Julien Miquel
The Alti Wine Exchange Chief Wine Officer makes a quick but deep overview of the unmissable investment-grade fine and rare wines from Bordeaux
Wine Trading Academy
Alti Wine Exchange Indexes: 2022 overview and outlook for 2023
If in 2021, the stock market and wine investment market showed a solid performance, the last year was completely different for stock investors. In 2022, inflation set in at higher levels than the financial markets…
Alti Wine Exchange Indexes: 2021 overview and trends for 2022
Wine investors had a great year in 2021. All indexes showed a robust growth in the last year with Californian and Argentinian indexes among two leaders. This trend continued in 2022 even despite the fall in the stock market
Alti Wine Exchange Indexes in 2020: despite it all, safe and strong returns for fine wine
Fine and rare wines have enjoyed robust performance and low volatility in comparison to markets during Covid, gaining further room in diversified portfolios
Read and watch our fine wine investment tips and analyses
Free contents, reports and overviews by our experts will help you make the best decisions for profit and protection – and also enjoy the best investment-grade wines
Introducing our internal index for fine wine investors
Given the reputation of fine wine as an investment asset, we track price performance and potential returns. Meet the Alti Wine Exchange Internal Index.
Fine wine withstood a tough year. What’s ahead for 2021?
Despite the pandemic, the industry came through in 2020. Challenges remain with Covid, economic scenario and tariffs. Here’s how to avoid volatility.
Why people are turning their passion for wine into investment
Some think of jewellery, art, rare watches, handbags, stamps or classic cars. Consumer collectible items such as fine wines are great boosts to a portfolio
How to build wealth with a strategy based on fine wine
Diversify and commit yourself to a small share of alternative investments as fine and rare wines to build a strong portfolio that will withstand uncertainties
Could 2021 be the year of hard assets?
Uncertainties aggravated by the pandemic reinforce how assets like fine and rare wines fare as profitable long-term investments