by Alti Wine Exchange | Apr 27, 2021 | News
Dear reader, wine lover, No matter where you are in the world, nowadays there are great apps for wine enthusiasts like you and the rest of us. After all, as the world is ever more connected, it is becoming increasingly easier to find options right in your phone to:...
by Alti Wine Exchange | Mar 1, 2021 | News, Wine Trading Academy
Sergey Glekov Senior financial analyst How have fine and rare wines fared as an alternative investment class in 2020? The Alti Wine Exchange Indexes are a family of equal weighted indexes which trace price performance of fine and rare wines and shows equal weighted...
by Alti Wine Exchange | Feb 25, 2021 | News
Dear reader, We are never tired of saying how wine is a constant learning. Every time we get a new article done, we look back and think wow, there’s so much still to explore. For this latest piece, we’ve decided to try to debunk some myths that still to this day are...
by Alti Wine Exchange | Feb 5, 2021 | bundle, News, Wine Trading Academy
Photo: Martyna Jovaišaitė Paukštė, for Alti Wine Exchange Dear reader, Starting last year, we’ve been setting out lots of contents to help you get into what’s most important about fine wine investment: tips, market insights, indexes for investors and...
by Alti Wine Exchange | Jan 19, 2021 | News, Wine Trading Academy
Sergey Glekov Senior financial advisor Given the rising reputation of fine wine as a profitable long-term investment asset, there is a growing focus on the measure of the wine price performance. By having trading prices at our platform, we are working to...