by Paulo Pinto | Apr 17, 2020 | Thinking outside the bottle
People walk past the Euro Sign at Willy-Brandt-Platz, Frankfurt, in front of the Eurotower (former seat of the European Central Bank). (Photo: Breno Salvador, January 2020) (Paulo Pinto, Alti Wine Exchange founding member) Every now and then you can read...
by Paulo Pinto | Apr 3, 2020 | Thinking outside the bottle
Making each taxpayer effectively a shareholder might just be the way to reset the system. Dear readers, I’m Breno, back here with some thoughts on the economic unfolding of the coronavirus crisis. After all, that’s an issue which every one of us, investors, are...
by Paulo Pinto | Mar 30, 2020 | Thinking outside the bottle, Wine Trading Academy
Founding member Paulo Pinto has shared with us some pictures of the team’s efforts in the development of Alti Wine Exchange. Here, a chat with Adrien de Beaulieu from Chateau Coutet Greetings from lovely Lisbon, Portugal. As many of you already know, I’m Breno...
by Paulo Pinto | Mar 24, 2020 | Thinking outside the bottle
(Paulo Pinto Founding member, Alti Wine Exchange) I have been holed up the last week. Not only because of my quarantine, but because of the financial storm, which gives me plenty of time for thinking about markets. How in the world did we get here? Finimize says...
by Paulo Pinto | Mar 20, 2020 | Thinking outside the bottle
The Spider-Man meme is an opportune way to depict how many are trying to explain the coronavirus pandemic, isn’t it? Hi, it’s Breno here! Once again, still in Lisbon, under state of emergency. I hope you’re holding on fine. I am okay too, trading wine as usual, even...